Can McKinsey help you write jokes?

1 minute

HBR (Harvard Business Review) asked this question to comedian Jerry Seinfeld.

Jerry and Larry David wrote Seinfeld, one of the most popular sitcoms. Burnout was one of the reasons they stopped it. The show ran successfully for nine seasons and Jerry Seinfeld decided to stop at that, at the peak.

Given this background, HBR asked a question that was somewhat logical but unconventional given Jerry’s occupational background.

Here is the conversation that followed.

Jerry: Who’s McKinsey?
HBR: It’s a consulting firm.
Jerry: Are they funny?
Jerry: Then I don’t need them. If you’re efficient, you’re doing it the wrong way. The right way is the hard way. The show was successful because I micromanaged it—every word, every line, every take, every edit, every casting. That’s my way of life.

One line that stands out is “If you’re efficient, you’re doing it the wrong way. The right way is the hard way.”

Sometimes seeking efficiency is a cool way to ask “Is there an easy way ?” Especially when the only way you have is the hard way!

Efficiency shouldn’t be an excuse to evade hard work. What do you think?