How I can help you?

Through my 100 hours of coaching journey I have observed two fundamental challenges that humans face on a daily basis. First, you can’t change something that is not in your awareness. If you don’t know you have a Vitamin B12 deficiency, there is very little you can do to deal with the symptoms that come with it. You will remain clueless and confused around what has to be done. That’s where the diagnostics comes into play. The first step is the willingness to build awareness around what needs to change.

The second step is more difficult. As adults, we don’t struggle with awareness. All the answers are within us. However, awareness on its own is not enough. We fail to see the change within us because we fail to take action and remain accountable for the change. What comes in the way are values, beliefs and mindsets. You may very well know the tingling in your feet is owing to the B12 deficiency you were diagnosed with a couple of years back. However, if you believe that popping vitamin pills doesn’t do any good then there is hardly any action that you might take. Which leads to the willingness to explore any other natural sources of Vitamin B12 food.

Awareness and action are two perquisites for change to happen. Coaching acts like a catalyst to generate awareness and enable action.

I can help you with navigating this change.

The fundamental questions that I address are:

  1. What are the aspects of my being that I am not aware of?
  2. What are the beliefs and values that are holding me from taking action?
  3. What actions can I take to make change happen?

You can reach out to me on

Alternately you can continue reading the blog or explore the free resources before you decide to reach out.