Turn on your location services!

1 minute

You can’t do what you want till you know what you’re doing: Moshé Feldenkrais* 

One of the greatest losses is losing the ability to figure out what you are doing in the present moment.

For instance, some people never realize that they talk more. They take up more than 80% of the volume in a conversation. Some aspects are more subtle. Eating more carbs, sleeping less, or maybe thinking more. 

Rohit Sharma can play the recording of his footwork. Bowlers can study their line and length and figure out when they get beaten. 

No one is keeping a record of what you are exactly doing. 

For us, there are just two ways to figure out; self-reflection or asking for feedback. That’s work. 

You need to turn on the location services before the GPS figures out your coordinates. Where you wish to go comes a little later. 

*Moshé Feldenkrais (little obscure)was a Ukrainian-Israeli engineer and physicist, known as the founder of the Feldenkrais Method, a system of physical exercise. I found his mention in a book named “Body Keeps the Score” by Besser Van Der Kolk
