This will make you very insecure

1 minute

Ankur Warikoo posted a special series of tweets last month.

Except for the fact that Ankur Warikoo did not write them.

They were generated by a bot.

It was an experiment.

Here is a sample tweet.

“People don’t change. They just reveal themselves.
It’s your responsibility to be with people who are worth your time.”

Could you make out that this was written by a bot?

I couldn’t.

These tweets also had a 12% higher engagement than his own tweets.

How was it possible?

The answer is GPT 3 an AI model.

GPT 3 is largely being recognized for its language capabilities.

It can write creative fiction, what else do you need?

Five years down the line you may not even figure out if the profile you are engaging with is a bot or a human.

And it is a need, why?

Only an Algorithm can beat an algorithm.

Over the last few years, I am observing that engagement on Linkedin has become more labor-intensive.

It is all hard work, frankly speaking, humans can do much better than simply posting “Thanks for sharing!” on some trending post.

Instead, they just prime a bot to say something even more intelligent.

How about the bot actually reads the post? And gives a meaningful reply to ponder upon?

Reflect and share your thoughts.