Managing risks beats Decision Making any day

1 minute

More than taking the right decisions, life is all about managing risks. 

Aspiring for a stable government job or private job is a part of managing risk.

Investing in an FD or a small-cap mutual fund is again managing risk.

Choosing to drive at night or during the day is again a choice to manage risk.

So most of our decisions are simply less risky or riskier.

And yet, we label them as good and bad.

Starting a risky business that succeeds is a good decision.

The business that fails in hindsight becomes bad decision. 

In hindsight, we always tend to curse our decisions.



But the cycle never stops. We compare our decisions with others and suffer.

Instead, focus on your ability to take risks.

If you don’t like to take risks, so be it. Live with that.

If you love to take risks, don’t regret it when things go wrong.

If you still wish to take it, get yourself covered.

Wish to drive at night? Buy a safe car and get yourself insured.

Don’t like the risky small-cap fund? buy an FD but don’t complain about the returns. 

The quality of our decisions depends on our appetite to take risks as individuals.
