I built a chair!

1 minute

I built a chair yesterday, it was long overdue

Well, I was left with no choice, who else would do it for me?

Thanks to Ikea

The estimated arrival time was 13th Aug

It was under-promised, over-delivered; a new way to delight customers

I was expecting a fully assembled chair

But I received a neat rectangular cardboard box with a jig-saw puzzle in it

I opened the box and first picked the manual

And I fell in love

The didactics were so impressive, they tickled the mechanical engineer in me

Allen Keys and Allen screws and an Allen drill bit

Ok, I will spare you the details

I sat down on the floor and started to assemble

Once in a while, there was a thought, what if Ikea failed to include a screw

Wouldn’t that be a pain?

But Ikea did not let me down

It took me an hour to assemble the whole chair

It was very satisfying

I am writing this on the very chair that I assembled

Ikea sells “experience” and not furniture

And it inspired me to write this

When was the last time a product inspired you to write about it?

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